Welcome to my blog!
This blog is really about you and me, and about us, as human beings, and this amazing journey called life!
My blog is about the sometimes excruciating, and on the other hand, super joyous and rewarding work that we do in emergency care setting. It’s about the anxiety and stress we experience on and off the field and how it inevitably affects the whole spectrum of our lives and the lives of the people around us. It’s about # OpenDoorPolicy , so that no one has to suffer alone, no one is ever left behind and that we should always have your colleagues back. It’s about accepting that it’s ok not to be okay and sometimes even the strongest ones stumble and fall on this path.
And of course this blog is about my own personal struggles and small victories on this road I hope that someday in the future this blog casn serve as a bonfire gathering of the digital age bringing together a tribe of people each sharing their unique story.
And so the journey begings…
About the blogger
Empress Taru
Hi there friend, I’m Taru. I’m a first time blogger, a mother of two, anestesiologist, a student and a mentor, wannabe surf bum, sister, hammock & chill – lover, PhD, congress organizer, sports enthusiast, very often tired but also an early bird, traveller, volunteer worker and so much more.